Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo Friday : Feather

I should probably mention at this point that I am currently addicted to the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone so be warned there may be a LOT of hipsta prints around here...  

This one is courtesy of one of the lovely (but very pesky) peacocks that strut around the nursery I work at.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Photo Friday : Spike

So here we are - week TWO. Having not given a second thought to my grand blog idea of last week, I realised today was FRIDAY and I was without a 'fresh' new non-kidlet pic as promised. So I dashed outside this morning in a frantic rush to find a suitable photographic subject and this is what I came up with... and I think I like him.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Photo Friday : Pisa 2006

Welcome to my first Photo Friday post. I had a flash of inspiration to start it after noticing that possibly up to 80% of the photos I have taken since December 2008 have been of my little offspring. Now as charming and cute as she is I've decided I need to branch out and excercise my shutter finger in different areas again. I've started off with an oldie - as a reminder of what my camera used to point at pre-offspring...

Look forward to bringing a 'freshie' into the world next FRIDAY.