Sunday, April 22, 2012

Photo A Day April - Week 2

So week 2 came and went in my little photographic journey. But as you will notice, I am playing catch up. Week 1 is here if you missed it. And week 3 is still to come. In the meantime let me attempt to delight you with my week 2 exhibition. I missed Day 12 (Stairs) but am hoping you'll forgive me yeah?

Day 7 : Shadow : an oldie but with a bit of Instagram 'remastering'

Day 8 : Inside Your Wallet : Apologies to your eyes but
this is the pic I've had in my wallet for the last 5 years

Day 9 : Younger You : Me in the pink, circa 1980

Day 10 : Cold : This one was almost prophetic from Fat Mum Slim.
A cold snap overnight and out came the cardi's and fires again. This is at my work... Toasty!

Day 11 : Where You Ate Breakfast

Day 13 : Something You Found : totes awesome cutlery at Vinnies!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Macadamia Delicious!

So, I made macadamia spread yesterday. Sounds fancy doesn't it? Oh, well it IS! 

But, lucky for me, and maybe you too, NOT fancy to make.

Do you have a food processor? Do you have 400g of raw macadamia nuts? Do you have 5 tablespoons of water and 10 min of time?

If you answered yes to all of these questions then YOU are fully equipped to get some macadamia spread of your very own.

I just whizzed the nuts by themselves for a while then added a bit of water to help it along. Ended up being 5tbps of water in the end. You might want more or less. Mine looked like this.

And then we spread it on rice crackers and it looked like this. YUMNESS!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Cheap Shoes... but they're so PRETTY!

Right, so I like to think I'm a bit of a 'semi-greenie' and try to do what I can to keep my impact on the earth low. I try to grow my own vegies when I can (not overly successfully but I WILL get better!) I buy all those 'green' label cleaning products or use bi-carb and vinegar where possible. I like shopping at 2nd hand stores, markets and op-shops. I get a fruit and veg box delivered that supports local growers and cuts down on transportation costs.

I am also acutely aware that there are a boundless number of things that I am NOT doing. Like making my own bread, recycling grey water or making my own shampoo from eggs... Sometimes it's all just too HARD and my laziness wins over my conscience more often than not.

But probs my biggest failing as a 'semi-greenie' is that I'm a sucker for CHEAP CRAP. You know that stuff - mass produced in China or India from non-renewable resources, made by underpaid workers and shipped thousands of miles to my local Westfield?

See those super pretty shoes up there? ^^ I bought them yesterday from a certain run of the mill department store at my local mall because, firstly, they winked at me and secondly, they were only $24. I am wearing them today and I like them a lot. It's likely next time I go to said mall I will see at least 4 other suburban mums wearing them too. Until then I will continue thinking I am funky and unique.

But aside from feeling funky and unique I am also getting my usual post-purchase depression that I'm letting the old green team down.

I go through the pros in my head to try and appease my 'disappointed' conscience. "Now Roxanne, you know having pretty things increases your happiness and confidence" (as shallow as that sounds, I have to admit it's true) and "Your family is on a fairly limited budget so you should jump at bargains when you see them." 

I have failed to convince myself yet again. They're pretty weak arguments huh? But I'll keep wearing the shoes. Dammit I'll wear them! I'll wear them until the soles fall off and they no longer resemble the orange prettiness they once were. THAT will be my contribution to the environment. Sorry China, I am set for new shoes right now, you may as well pack up shop and go home.

But I do solemnly swear to do better next time. In fact, I will go right now and google that recipe for egg shampoo.

Are you a full-greenie? Any tips for an aspiring greenie? A LAZY, aspiring greenie? Is there an alternative to eggs for shampoo? (I'm really not that keen on my hair smelling like omelette.) And do you know of anyone selling a 2nd hand pair of ladies size 9 red patent leather Doc Martens? They are next on the list of shoes I need want.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The extremes of humanity...

I don't normally write this sort of stuff on this here blog. I'm a bit more fluff and light and crochet and photos and all that but I spent a bit of time last night on twitter and came across some rather horrid examples of humanity. Yes, I know there's plenty out there, the interwebs are full of it and I tend to steer clear for my own sanity. But I stupidly didn't steer clear this time, I was too curious and it made me sad... sad for humans... it really got to me so I thought I'd share it. You know, therapeutic reasons etc.

So. Twitter. I follow Alan Davies. You know that British funny guy? He's on QI with Stephen Fry amongst other things. He's also a mad Arsenal Football Club fan (that's English soccer) and does a podcast about it that my Mister frequently listens to.  So anyway, yesterday afternoon Alan started re-tweeting comments that he'd been sent by some very angry people. Heaps of them. And they were awful! Many of them death threats, most of them full of f-bombs and the c-word. I thought, goodness me, what has he done to deserve that?

So I investigated. I chatted with Mister, I googled etc. Apparently Alan said something in his latest podcast that was a little insensitive about a terrible tragedy that happened at a Liverpool game in the 80's. Well, actually his comment wasn't even about the event itself, just the fact that Liverpool FC now do not play on that date under any circumstances and this year it is proving to be a problem for some of the other teams.

Not being English and a bit out of the loop it all sounded like the reactions were a bit over the top. I get the feeling English soccer fans have a passion for their teams that probably surpasses anything we have here in any sport. (Mind you, we certainly have our fair share of 'sports fan wankers' don't we?)

So I understand some people being upset by his comment but I'm not sure I understand why there is a need for death threats? Is there ever a need for death threats? And isn't it sad that in a supposedly 'developed' country these seemingly 'undeveloped' people thrive? Largely these days its thanks to social media I guess.

Anyhoo, blah blah blah, I could go on couldn't I? But I won't. I'm not eloquent enough. I just wanted to say this: I woke up this morning, after going to bed all sad and sorry, to be presented with this via Pip from Just B. And I smiled and thought, Ah, that's better... Aren't we nice people after all!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Photo A Day April - Week 1

So I think I managed to keep up this week with my latest little project. A couple of days I forgot but I'm going to make my own special rules here and add in some pics from the vault to fill the gap. What you reckon? Allowable? I think so, I'm always up for more reasons to share some of my fave pics. So, Day 1 I have already posted. Days 2 through to 7 are a go go below.

Day 2 : Colour : My fave Hipsta pic ever taken : at the pet shop.

Day 3 : Mail : my letterbox obviously...

Day 4 : Someone Who Makes You Happy : my critter : cliche but true

Day 5 : Tiny : a gift from my sis when she went to the US a few years back

Day 6 : Lunch : You can have chocolate for lunch on Good Friday can't you?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Photo A Day - April

I have decided to join this Photo A Day thingo started by Chantelle of Check out her blog if you like. It's pretty rad.

So, here's the list.

I usually start these sorts of things and never follow through to the end so I won't make any silly promises to myself that I can't keep. Hopefully it will just be a bit of fun on the days that I do get a chance to take a snap.

Here's my pic for Day 1 - Your Reflection. Can you see me? That scarf I'm wearing is one I just finished last night. Thinking of giving it to my sis-in-law... or maybe just keep it for me. It pretty nice! The succulents are cuttings from my Grandma's garden. They are growing some lovely little roots and are ready for planting any day now. Although ol' Canberra is starting to get cool so fingers crossed the little guys will survive the winter.