Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The extremes of humanity...

I don't normally write this sort of stuff on this here blog. I'm a bit more fluff and light and crochet and photos and all that but I spent a bit of time last night on twitter and came across some rather horrid examples of humanity. Yes, I know there's plenty out there, the interwebs are full of it and I tend to steer clear for my own sanity. But I stupidly didn't steer clear this time, I was too curious and it made me sad... sad for humans... it really got to me so I thought I'd share it. You know, therapeutic reasons etc.

So. Twitter. I follow Alan Davies. You know that British funny guy? He's on QI with Stephen Fry amongst other things. He's also a mad Arsenal Football Club fan (that's English soccer) and does a podcast about it that my Mister frequently listens to.  So anyway, yesterday afternoon Alan started re-tweeting comments that he'd been sent by some very angry people. Heaps of them. And they were awful! Many of them death threats, most of them full of f-bombs and the c-word. I thought, goodness me, what has he done to deserve that?

So I investigated. I chatted with Mister, I googled etc. Apparently Alan said something in his latest podcast that was a little insensitive about a terrible tragedy that happened at a Liverpool game in the 80's. Well, actually his comment wasn't even about the event itself, just the fact that Liverpool FC now do not play on that date under any circumstances and this year it is proving to be a problem for some of the other teams.

Not being English and a bit out of the loop it all sounded like the reactions were a bit over the top. I get the feeling English soccer fans have a passion for their teams that probably surpasses anything we have here in any sport. (Mind you, we certainly have our fair share of 'sports fan wankers' don't we?)

So I understand some people being upset by his comment but I'm not sure I understand why there is a need for death threats? Is there ever a need for death threats? And isn't it sad that in a supposedly 'developed' country these seemingly 'undeveloped' people thrive? Largely these days its thanks to social media I guess.

Anyhoo, blah blah blah, I could go on couldn't I? But I won't. I'm not eloquent enough. I just wanted to say this: I woke up this morning, after going to bed all sad and sorry, to be presented with this via Pip from Just B. And I smiled and thought, Ah, that's better... Aren't we nice people after all!


  1. Oh Rox, how beautiful is that vid! Love it, it put a HUGE smile on my dial :)

    1. I know Sharn! Isn't it awesome. So awesome I 'got dust in my eye' toward the end.. ha ha!
